GAPIO Members Honours list – April 2022
Dr. Arun Prasad, President of Obesity Surgery Society of India [...]
Dr. Arun Prasad, President of Obesity Surgery Society of India [...]
Dr. Arun Prasad, President of Obesity Surgery Society of India [...]
Dr. Arun Garg, President CINS and Member of EC of [...]
Dr. Amrit Hingorani, General Practitioner (GP) at Australia has become the [...]
Dr. Arun Prasad, President of Obesity Surgery Society of India (OSSI), [...]
Dr. Anjan Bhattacharya, Consultant Developmental Paediatrician at Kolkata, India [...]
Dr. Arun Prasad, President of Obesity Surgery Society of [...]
Dr. Arun Prasad, senior consultant, Surgical Gastroenterology, Bariatric and [...]
DR. ARUN PRASAD, Senior Consultant Surgical Gastroenterology, Bariatric and Robotic [...]
DR. ARUN PRASAD, Senior Consultant, Surgical Gastroenterology, Bariatric and Robotic [...]