Dr. Amrit Hingorani, General Practitioner (GP) at Australia has become the New President of Australian Indian Medical Graduates Association (AIMGA) in December 2021

Dr. Arun Garg, President CINS and Member of EC of GAPIO, has been invited as a speaker to share his views on “Taking control of our health and focuses on Integrative medicine as the route to good health” during an online program on “Integrative Medicine and Good Health”.

Dr. Arun Prasad, President of Obesity Surgery Society of India (OSSI), 2018-20 and President of International MGB-OAGB Club for Bariatric Surgery is invited as an active expert and scholar in the field of gastrointestinal surgery, has been appointed as an Editor-in-Chief (Term: 2022-2025) of World Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery (WJGS).


Dr. Ashish Aneja, Internal Medicine consultant from Kurukshetra, India, has organized Free Cardio-Diabetic Health Checkup & Awareness camp in association with GAPIO in month of December 2021.


Dr. Avula Laxmaiah, Scientist G (Director Grade Scientist) & Head, Division of Public Health Nutrition, ICMR-National Institute of Nutrition, Jamai-Osmania (Post), Hyderabad, has published a paper on “SARS-CoV-2 Seroprevalence in the city of Hyderabad, India in early 2021, published in the journal IJID Regions-2. The research was done in collaboration with CCMB by covering a large sample size of 9500.

Dr. Kandamaran Krishnamurthy, Consultant Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Barbados has published the following article in Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare

·         COVID-19 Vaccine Intent Among Health Care Professionals of Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Barbados, MAA Majumder K Krishnamurthy, A Kumar, N Ojeh, A Scott, C Cave, S Gupta , J Bradford-King, B Sa , OP Adams , MH Campbell, November 2021


Dr. Kandamaran Krishnamurthy has also edited the following chapter in book Emerging Trends in Disease and Health Research Vol. 1

·         Study on Spatial Relationship of Metabolomics, OSA and Diabetes Mellitus, P V P Rao, K Krishnamurthy, December 2021


Dr. (Prof.) Raju Vaishya, Senior Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon at New Delhi has been elected as the Editor-in-Chief of the prestigious Journal of Orthopaedics- A PubMed and Scopus indexed journal.


Dr. Raju Vaishya has also published the following articles:

·         Vaishya R. Growth of the Journal of Arthroscopic Surgery and Sports Medicine (JASSM) continues.  J ArthroscoSurg Med 2022; 3:1-2. Doi: 10.25259/JASSM_31_2021

·         Vaish A, Vaishya R. Multiple infarcts around the knee in a middle-aged female. Apollo Medicine 2021; 18: 316-17. Doi:10.4103/am.am_53_21

·         Vaishya R, Gopinathan P.  Growth of Journal of Orthopaedics (JOO). J Orthop 2021;

·         doi:10.1016/j.jor.2021.12.004.

·         Vaishya R, Arya A. Apollo Medicine in 2021. Apollo Med 2021; 18: 221. doi:10.4103/am.am_135_21

·         Vaishya R, Iyengar KP, Khan IH, Javaid M. Drones for fighting COVID 19 pandemic. Curr Med Res Pract2021;11:303-304.

Dr. Tarun Gupta, Hony. Professor, Indian Medical Association and Laparoscopic has received “Appreciation & Thank You” letter from Prof. Neil Mortensen, President of RCS England and Prof Chris Whitty, Chief Medical Officer for England, on 17 January 2022 for his personal sacrifices and investment in working so hard under such tough conditions of COVID.