Past President 2014-2017
Dr. Sanku Rao
Past President and Emeritus Advisor
Dr Sanku Rao is a gastroenterologist practicing at Oklahoma, USA.
Dr Sanku is past president of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) for the period 2008-2009.
Dr. Sanku Rao is one of the founder Executive Committee members of Global Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (GAPIO) since the inception of GAPIO in 2011.
Dr Sanku Rao has served as President of GAPIO from January 2014 to January 2017.
During Dr Sanku Rao’s presidentship many community service and health check-up camps had been undertaken at New Delhi, Secunderabad, Hyderabad and Rajasthan.
GAPIO partnered in International Patient Safety Congress (IPSC) 2016 held at Chennai.
During the tenure of Dr Sanku Rao 3 annual conferences held at Chandigarh, Bangalore and Hyderabad and 3 midyear conferences held at Los Angeles, Sydney and Leicester.