S.no Souvenir Souvenir + Website(entitlement of GAPIO Ad on website banner size – 468 x 60 pixels)* Souvenir + Website + Newsletter (entitled of Ad in newsletter Ad size – 250 x 250 pixels)**
Type of Advertisement Price (INR) Price (INR) Period for advertisement on website Price (INR) Period for advertisement in quarterly newsletter
1 Front Page (Bottom strip will contain only 3 logos of the advertising companies) 25000 for each logo 30000 for each logo 3 Months 35000 for each logo Three quarters
2 Back page (8.27 Inch X 11.69 Inch) 50000 55000 6 Months 60000 Four quarters
3 Inside front(8.27 Inch X 11.69 Inch) 30000 35000 4 Months 40000 Two quarters
4 Inside back(8.27 Inch X 11.69 Inch) 30000 35000 4 Months 40000 Two quarters
5 Full page(8.27 Inch X 11.69 Inch) 15000 17500 2 Months 20000 One quarter
6 Half page(8.27 Inch X 5.78 Inch) 15000 10000 1 Month Not applicable Not applicable