A comprehensive 60-minute session on “Therapeutic options in the Management of COVID-19”, was organized by ‘The Global Indian Physicians Collaborative’ at 7:00 PM IST on Saturday, 29th May 2021 through zoom to keep abreast of the latest developments.     

Reputed well known speakers from USA, UK and India have covered different therapeutic options in Management of COVID 19’ to keep abreast of the therapeutic options.   

Speakers have discussed about where the Tocilizumab, Favipiravir, Itolizumab, Baricitinib, Interferon 2DG, Ivermectin should be tried and when and how long to use, what to watch out, when not to use as well as indications where ‘Monoclonal Antibody’ should be tried.    


The session was followed by 15 minutes’ question and answer session.