Honors List

Honors List2021-10-01T11:53:42+05:30

Honors List

This is a new initiative launched by GAPIO ON Doctor’s Day on 1st July  to commemorate the occasion of birthday of Dr B C Roy on 1st July 1882.


In order to recognize the achievements and contribution of GAPIO members to healthcare, academics, research, innovation and community locally or internationally across the globe, Global Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (GAPIO) is starting circulation of a Monthly Honors list beginning from the month of July 2021.

Achieved which will be Covered in the Honors List

The monthly honors list will cover the achievements of GAPIO members under the following headings

1.       Any kind of Awards won at Nationally and International level

2.       Academic honors’ such as appointment as an Examiner / Guide for PhD, MCh and DM candidates/ Fellows etc.

3.       Fellowships conferred

4.       Exceptional clinical achievements such as the first in the region/ state/ country

5.       Elected position to professional bodies (Medical associations/ Doctors’ associations/ Specialty associations)

6.       Paper publications in indexed peer reviewed journal

7.       Book/s published/ edited

8.       Chapter/s contributed to books

9.       Community service camps organized

10.   Any charitable activity

11.   Any unique procedure/ Innovation in surgery/ Diagnostics / Radiology and Radiation therapy or in any medical or surgical specialty

12.   Clinical honors’ such as appointment as an Advisor to the prestigious organizations / Governments

Period of achievements

The Honors’ list will include the achievements from the previous two calendar months and must be received latest by 10th of the next month.

Provision for non GAPIO Members

Non GAPIO members who are associates, friends, colleagues of GAPIO members should take membership before their name is published in the monthly Honors list.

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