GAPIO MID-YEAR MEET 2016 has been concluded on 6th and 7th July 2016
at Moscow, Russian Federation in collaboration with Eurasian Federation of Oncology (EAFO). The GAPIO MID-YEAR MEET 2016 was inaugurated by H.E. Ambassador of India. Mr. Pankaj Saran who said that we should all work to strengthen the links between India and Russian Federation. Ambassador further said that there is need to focus on increasing the awareness about NCDs and cancer and as such this conference is very relevant. Mr. Kirill Kaem, Executive Director of SK Bio Med (Skolkovo Innovations Foundation) was also present. More than 150 delegates participated in the conference. Delegates travelled long distances within Russia and overseas to help GAPIO achieve its objectives. Renowned and reputed faculty who had put in great effort in putting up an impressive scientific content. Impressive feedbacks has been received from delegates who have appreciated the scientific content of sessions.