GAPIO – 3rd Midyear Conference – Anaheim California, USA
The conference started with Executive Committee meeting and followed with a reception dinner on 5th July. Dr. Sean Nikarwan made presentation on “Diabetes with Analog Treatment”.
During the meeting Executive Committee has constituted four awards to encourage members and coordinators for enrolling new members:
1. GAPIO Service Excellence Award (10 or more members between January to December)
2. GAPIO Emerging Young Leaders Award (25 or more members between January to December)
3. The GAPIO Leadership Award
4. The GAPIO Lifetime Achievement Award
These awards will be given during the Annual conference of GAPIO at Kolkata.
On second day, the opening session of General Body meeting started with welcome address by Dr. Sanku Rao. Secretary General Dr. Ramesh Mehta read the minutes of the previous General Body meeting held at Cochin and placed the audited accounts before the members which were unanimously approved. Secretary General also presented his report by making a presentation.
Dr. Anupam Sibal made a presentation regarding progress of Key GAPIO Projects. Dr. Lyndee Knox gave talk on project ECHO.
Many other prominent speakers covered various current healthcare challenges ranging from Childhood Obesity, Management of Hypertension, Twin epidemics of Diabetes and Heart Disease, IMR, Prevention of Blindness, Public Private Partnership and establishing rural healthcare in India.
GAPIO times issue II, a news letter of Global Association of Physicians of Indian Origin was released on this occasion. We shall be very shortly sending the news letter to all GAPIO members.
General Body meeting was followed by President’s reception and entertainment program by Geetanjali Group. Dr. Prem S. Reddy was the Chief Guest on this occasion.