Rational Use of Antibiotics in Upper Respiratory Tract Infection

09:00 PM IST to 10:00 PM IST

Saturday, 31st July 2021

 A 60-minute comprehensive session on “Rational Use of Antibiotics in Upper Respiratory Tract Infection” under IAP-GAPIO International Lecture Series was held live at 09:00 PM IST to 10:00 PM IST on Saturday, 31st July 2021 on a digital platform.

Reputed well known speaker Dr. Archana Chatterjee, from USA and Dr. Suhas Prabhu from India have covered ‘Use and Misuse of Antibiotics in Children’ and ‘When to start antibiotics in upper respiratory tract infection in children’.

The session was moderated by Dr. Habib Bhurawala from Australia and was Chaired by Dr. Alok Gupta from India. Dr. Surendra Varma from USA has given the opening remarks.

The session was followed by 15 minutes’ question and answer session.