Kolkata city is full with delegates from India and overseas who are here to participate in a two-day GAPIO International Conference beginning from 11th January to discuss solutions in healthcare for improving health worldwide.
This event aims to deliberate measure which can be taken with the help of Indian doctors working in India and overseas for better healthcare delivery across the globe.
Dr. Prathap C Reddy Chairman of Apollo Hospitals Group who has played the role of a true leader in changing the health scenario in India and overseas, is the key figure behind this conference which shall focus on the theme “The Non communicable Diseases Epidemic – Meeting the Challenges”.
Shri. Amit Mitra, Hon’ble Minister of Finance, Commerce and Industry, Govt. of West Bengal will be the Chief Guest at the conference.
Renowned National and International faculty will give talks covering seven clinical sessions comprising of Cardiac Sciences, Neurosciences, Diabetes, Gastroenterology and Liver Transplantation, Robotics, Nephrology / Kidney Transplantation and Oncology during this conference.
GAPIO is a nonprofit organization and its vision is “Improving Health Worldwide”. GAPIO has embarked upon India’s First Truly Integrated Comprehensive Health Scheme called “Total Health” which was launched by Padma Vibhushan Shri Prathap C Reddy, Chairman Apollo Hospitals Group launched on 27 Oct 2013, at Aragonda village of Thavanampalle Mandal of Chittoor district.
GAPIO has started another web portal known as Swaasth India.com in collaboration with AAPI (USA) and BAPIO (UK) to provide essential healthcare services at various locations in India with the help of doctors from India and overseas.
This site will act as matchmaking portal where Government of India (GOI) and State Governments can post their requirements and Indian Medical Diaspora can view and apply for the same
Mr S.K. Rao, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has assured to take it to the hosting stage by 15th January 2014. Secretary MOHFW, Government of India has accorded in principle agreement to have the Swaasth site as a GOI website.
The registration for the conference is free for members of GAPIO. All other doctors and other dignitaries from medical fraternity are also invited to join the conference.