India could face a health crisis with cases related to heart problems, diabetes, cancer and hypertension increasing manifold by 2020, according to a study.
India could face a health crisis with cases related to heart problems, diabetes, cancer and hypertension increasing manifold by 2020, according to a study. The average age of contracting such diseases has also dropped over the past few decades with people in the 25-40 age group being the worst hit.
Research by the Global Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (GAPIO) states that around 3.5 crore Indians are prone to non-communicable diseases. This could cost the country a whopping $5 trillion, which is 58% of the country’s budget. India currently doesn’t even spend 1% of its budget on health.
Study details were revealed before over 74 medical experts across the country are to the city for the 7th Annual conference of GAPIO on January 7-8. The theme of the meet is “Diabetes – The Giant killer” and “Innovations in Medicine.” tnn
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