GAPIO and BCG jointly presented two Position Papers on – “Reimagining Role of Nurses in India” and “Formalizing Allied Healthcare Workforce in India” to NITI Aayog.

Both the Position Papers were released by Shri Amitabh Kant, CEO- NITI Aayog and Dr Vinod Paul, member- NITI Aayog.

The papers were received with great excitement and there were very encouraging words of support from both. 

Both have assured that issues and recommendations would be studied in detail and a follow up meeting will be held to shortlist recommendation which would be shared with the concerned Government officials in the ministries.

Six Nursing leaders and Five leaders in the field of Allied Healthcare who are subject experts in these fields with abundant experience formed a core group separately for each paper.

Another group of 20 International and National Experts from Global Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (GAPIO) provided valuable inputs. Internationally known consulting company Boston Consulting Group (BCG) did extensive research to find out issues and came up with recommendations.  GAPIO thank Core group member and the International/National Experts for their valuable inputs, time, help, and cooperation extended to GAPIO and BCG to compile the position papers on “Reimagining Role of Nurses in India” and “Formalizing Allied Healthcare Workforce in India”.

The release of Position papers was extensively covered by press and media.

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