Benefits of Being a Regular Member of GAPIO
- Connecting with physicians from across the globe with similar interests.
- Participation in research and community projects being undertaken by GAPIO.
- Opportunities to give back to the community.
- Leadership opportunities for members, so inclined and a chance to serve on GAPIO Committees.
- Mentorship for young Indian doctors going to USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Russia, Middle East and Africa.
- Mentorship for young 2nd generation of Indian origin doctors coming to India from USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Russia, and Africa for observer-ships.
- Access to online newsletter.
- Opportunities to network and interact with colleagues, make new connections, sign up for events and keep up-to-date with whatever new is happening with this global group of physicians through the GAPIO website.
- Recognition and awards by the fraternity for deserving young and established physicians of Indian origin.
- A unified voice on healthcare and issues affecting physicians in general.
Know About Our Membership Fee – GAPIO Membership Program
Regular members: Any *Physician of Indian origin residing in India or abroad may apply in the prescribed format to the Executive Committee of the society for a regular membership. The Executive Committee will consider the application and may either accept or reject the same.
Kindly fill the membership form to become a member of GAPIO
* The term “Physician” has been used as a broad term for “Doctor” working in any specialty whether medical or surgical.
Regular members: Any *Physician of Indian origin residing in India or abroad may apply in the prescribed format to the Executive Committee of the society for a regular membership. The Executive Committee will consider the application and may either accept or reject the same.
- Rs. 2950/- or equivalent to this amount in foreign currency for becoming a regular member.
- Rs. 1180/- or equivalent to this amount in foreign currency from fresh medical graduates having cleared the examination during the last calendar year or during the current year, Residents and current DNB trainees. (Please submit the mark sheet/Degree certificate)
* The term “Physician” has been used as a broad term for “Doctor” working in any specialty whether medical or surgical.
Our Bank-details to Transfer Membership Fee – GAPIO Membership Program
(For Remittance in India)
Name of Account
Global Association of Physicians of Indian Origin
Name of Bank
Oriental Bank of Commerce
Name of Branch:
Apollo Hospitals New Delhi India 110076
Account Number
Type of Account
Current Account
(For Remittance From Overseas)
Name of Beneficiary
Global Association of Physicians of Indian Origin
Name of Bank
Oriental Bank of Commerce
Name of Branch:
Apollo Hospitals New Delhi India 110076
Account Number
Type of Account
Current Account
Swift Code