Leadership Development Program has been held on 12th November 2017 at Kolkata. Four previous training workshops were held on 16th July at New Delhi, 20th August at Ahmedabad, 10th September 2017 at Bangalore and 15th October 2017 at Hyderabad prior to this event at Kolkata.
Program was inaugurated by Chief Guest, Prof. Shyamal Kumar Basu, Ex. Special Secretary Deptt. of Health & Family Welfare, Ex. Principal Medical College – Kolkata, Execution Member of MCI, D&T, ICMR. Dr. Ajay Banarji, Air Vice Marshal, Former Prof. Head of Dept. Opthalmology, AFMC, Pune, gave the opening remarks.
Valedictory address was given by Dr. Subhajit Dutta, ADMS, Apollo Hospitals – Kolkata.
Dr. Anjan Bhattacharya, Senior Consultant from AGHL, Kolkata, conducted a special session on “Personal Branding” which was very much applauded by the participants.
Dr. J P Agarwal, President, IMA Kolkata North West Branch, was one of the dignitaries who attended the training workshop.
Doctors from Corporates, PSUs, various hospitals and nursing homes and from Pune came to attend the training workshop.
Following topics covered by professional trainers:
- Time Management
- Improving Communication Skills
- Conflict Management
- Appreciation at Work – Motivating team members
Certificates were issued to the participants.
Feedback received from participants:
85% participants rated the program as “Excellent” and remaining 15% rated it as “Very Good”.
Chief Guest Prof. Shyamal Kumar Basu, delivering his talk on “Seven Styles of Leadership”
Participants cheering up after finishing activity 1st during session on “Time Management
Participants performing task during session on “Improving Communication Skills”.